Friday, March 28, 2014

Hot Topic Assignment Ideas

You are leading discussion. People might not want to participate. You could:
1.Start with an anecdote.
2.Ask for initial responses.
3.Ask if there were areas of the article that stood out as interesting/surprising/upsetting that needs address first.
4.Ask if people can note how the article might relate to their daily life.
5.Ask if the article motivated anyone to take action.
6.Mention other sources that audience could look at that might be of interest.

People are getting marked on their responses, so there should not be silence. Feel free to ask people directly to answer.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CHC-Kristallnacht video

CLU 3M-Brochure Assignment

CLU 3M -Brochure Assignment

You are create a 6 panel pamphlet about one major issue in the law. This pamphlet is meant for high school students to read who need help understanding key issues in law that we have studied in this class. You must use Microsoft Publisher or another similar program. This cannot be hand-written. You can use our notes from class to help you write the brochure and other research. Some of the topics I will be covering next week. You must mention at least two cases on your brochure.

Please cite your sources on the back of the brochure.

The assignment must be printed and handed in to me at the beginning of class.

You may choose from one of the following topics. I will sign you up when you have chosen. (Two people per topic.)

Jury Duty
Legal Aid and Duty Counsel
Legal Searches
Landmark Cases
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The Charter
Legal Arrests
Careers in Law
Children and the Law
Youth Criminal Justice Act
Police Carding
Racial Profiling
Not Criminally Responsible

Some ideas to improve your brochure include: images, FAQ, websites for further information, clear bold titles, point form, colour.

CLN 4U-Hot Topic Assignment

Hot Topic Assignment
Every student in CLN4U will complete one session of Hot Topics.
You will lead discussion for 15-20 minutes at the beginning of class every Friday. You and a partner will introduce a hot topic to the law class and facilitate discussion about your topic for a maximum of 20 minutes.
You must:
In advance
-choose a topic from the list or get one approved by me and added to the list
-find at least one reading to post to my blog by Tuesday  the week you are presenting for all the class to read
-have outside research about your hot topic on hand to reference throughout the discussion
On the day of the presentation
-introduce self and topic. Take attendance.
-be the expert and lead the discussion about your topic
-have 5 discussion provoking questions ready for the class to be able to move the discussion along if no one is participating
-questions should not be memory recall questions, but open-ended questions
-Thank the group for participating
You will not need technology for this presentation.
Friday April 4-Our new Supreme Court Judge appointment-Why do we care?
Friday April 11-Rob Ford-Should we have Municipal regulations for mayoral behavior?
Thurs April 17-Metally Ill and the law—Is society protected? Are the mentally ill protected?
Friday April 25-Aboriginals-Why are they over-represented in the law?
May 2-Victims’ Rights-Does more needs to be done to compensate?
May 9-Terrorism in Canada-is there really a threat?
Fri May 16-Cyber-bullying-Can we stop it? Is it harmless?
Thurs May 22-Wrongful convictions in Canada, how much compensation is enough?
Fri May 30-Police who kill-is there justice for the victims?
Fri June 6-The G20-how does Toronto look at the future?
Those who do not attend receive a zero in participation marks. Those who do not present receive a zero and their partner presents alone.
Audience: 4 marks per session for thoughtful contribution to discussion.

Presenters will be marked according to the rubric given./20

LAW-Police who kill-NCR