Monday, March 21, 2016

CHV and CHC OSSLT answers

LAW_human rights cases in small groups

Group 1: Persons case (a-k)

Group 2: BC vs Bcgseu(p-s)

Group 3:Council of Canadians vs VIA rail(starts with m)

Group 4:Siadat vs Ontario college of Teachers(t-y)

Read your case and answer the following questions in each of your notebooks.

1.What are the grounds of discrimination?
2.What is the social area of discrimination?
3.Was there any law changed because of the case?
4.What was the overall remedy after this case.
5.summarize the case in 2 sentences.

Please be ready to orally present this tomorrow or the next day.....

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 10 Civics

1.take up homework
2.Look at how to vote in textbook
3.Voting how to video
go through ppt with handout

CHC 2p-Nominate a woman for the new bank note

Please make sure that your 250 word summary is approved by me before you cut and paste it into the box.

LAW-Security certificate letter due Friday.

Website for Public Safety Minister(his bio)

His email and address are in the website above.

Please send to me before sending to the Minister. You do not have to send the letter if you do not wish. You may just print it and give it to me.

You will be marked out of 25 according to the same rubric that we used for the letter about BILLS.

Monday, March 7, 2016

LAw-data the police have on you-how can if affect you long-term?

Law Homework-March 8 Security Certificate and the Toronto 18

Please read the following article and write a 1 paragraph summary of the article. 8-10 sentences for marks.

March 8

CHC A.Test

1920's reading

a.Take up charter questions
b.Look at my responsibilities reading with questions.

CLU-Watch Secret Trial 5

March 7 What you missed

CHC   a.Review for test tomorrow

CHV-quiz and worked in library on protest research

CLU-test and started Charkoui case (case is homework)

Human Rights Articles for Law Homework on March 11

Read the above two cases and answer the questions. Use separate paper for each case.

  1. What are the grounds of discrimination in this case?
  2. What are the social areas in this case?
  3. What was the settlement reached? Did the settlement favour the complainant (the person making the allegation of discrimination)?
  4. Do you agree or disagree with the settlement? Explain.

This is due on the day we return from March Break. You may use the text to help you understand "grounds" and "areas" further.

Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4 What you missed

1.CHC-we learned about Winnipeg General Strike. Watched a video.
Test is Tuesday

2.CHV-we finished unit 2 and started our Take a Stand Research project.

3.CLU-Finish talking about Section 15 in the Charter with the video.

CHC video March 4

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

MArch 1 what did you miss

1.CHCwe finished talking about battles of WWI.We ahve homework pg 57 ...1-4
2.CHV-WE finished presentations today. WE have hmwk that I distributed related to pg 69
3.Law-We took up the keegstra questions.We took up the homework. We got back our letters. WE looked at cases from the charter in our text.