Sunday, February 26, 2017

WOrk for Monday FEb 27

Period A Grade 12 Law
Read 103-107
Read 114-117
Make sure your oral arguments are on turnitin. You will present them tomorrow.

Period B Grade 11 Law
Read pp 50-53
Do questions on the Mann and Tessling cases in your notebooks.

Grade 10IB English

Do the lit terms quiz (it's on green paper)
Answer the questions on the lottery that are attached to your story.
Your short story excerpts are due tomorrow.

Friday, February 24, 2017

TURN it IN CODES 2nd sem 2017

Grade 12 Law:


password is ferry

Grade 10 IB English


password is ferry

grade 11 law


password is ferry

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Grant v Dempsey

 On the facts of this case, I find that Mr. Grant was the sole cause of this unfortunate accident. I find no fault on the part of Mr. Dempsey. In hindsight, one could no doubt think of alternate actions Mr. Dempsey might have been able to attempt; however, I find that the actions of Mr. Dempsey were reasonable in the circumstances in which he found himself.

Those circumstances, i.e., Mr. Grant lying in dark clothing in the middle of the lane traveled by Mr. Dempsey at 1:30 in the morning created an emergency which Mr. Dempsey could not expect. Mr. Dempsey was at all times driving reasonably and his actions upon seeing the unexpected object were reasonable. In fact he, in all probability, had no time to do anything else. Therefore, I can find no liability on the part of Mr. Dempsey. [24] The action of the plaintiffs is therefore dismissed. I will entertain written submissions on the issue of costs if the parties cannot agree on costs. Otherwise, I would issue an order prepared by counsel for the defendant and consented as to form and as to costs by counsel for the plaintiffs.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Work For Feb 6 when I am away

Feb 6 I am away on a trip to the Good Shepherd Center.

CLN 4U: Students have textbook work in book in back cupboard. Dimensions of Law.
They must give back books when finished.

pp 12-20 Do questions on Tommy Douglas and Medicaid. Take notes on bolded words.

Eng 2d7-there is a short story with questions. It is blue paper.
It is called Fairy Boy. Copied on podium. Only do the questions on back with check marks. 
Keep the stories and questions with them.

Grade 11 Law-Teacher please read out loud to the kids.Read the text book in back cupboard called All About LawGive them all a copy and then take them back when finished.
pp5-9 and do 1-5 in notebooks on page 9.