Friday, December 18, 2015

CLN 4U Dec 18

Today we will have a mini lecture on the International Criminal court. We will also read the article above. Please get the notes off a friend.
Please fill in the questions about the UN in your International LAw package and be ready to discuss on Monday when we return.

Please also watch this:

Friday, December 4, 2015

CLN Homework for Dec 4(Employment LAw article)

1. Define precarious employment.
2. How can precarious employment be avoided/solved in Canada?
3. Are there any rights that protect citizens against precarious employment? List these rights.  
4. What are some of the effects of precarious employment?
5. Suggest changes that can be made to labour laws to solve issues involved with precarious work. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fundamental Freedoms Conference-Grade 12 law

Dec 2 at Central Tech School
725 Bathurst St.
Lunch is included.
Go to the Registration desk and get your workshop info.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

tkam movie

Mock Trial Groups

Group 1 Mock Trial: R V Wilson
1.Accused: Finn
2.D.Witness: Muhammed
3.Mike(crown Witness)Justin
4.Constable Esperanza: Emma
5.Defenec lawyers: Fayo/Jawad
6.Crown Lawyers: Hank/Ally
7.Judge: Victoria
8.Court Services Officer: Darren
Group 2: R v Jones
1.Accused: Patrick
2.D Witness: Jackson
3.Fiona(C witness)Fatima
4 Constable: Jack
8.Court Services Officer: Jason
Group 3: R v Wai
1.Accused: Manahil
2.D witness: Kyra
3.Officer Cheyenne: Samiha
4.Riwi(c witness) Saafawan
5.Defence lawyers: Munem Crystal
6.Crown Lawyers: Amy Destiny

8.Court Services Officer: Ismail

Monday, November 16, 2015

court prep

Today in class you must watch three videos about provincial courts. Please follow this link:

After you are finished please use this interactive court game to look at how a court room is situated and where personnel sit and what they do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CLN 4U TEST on criminal law TOPICS

types of offenses
elements of an offense
jury topics
who is who in a courtroom
racial profiling
adversarial systm
habeus corpus
absolute and strict liability
due diligence


Monday, October 26, 2015


You have today to organize your skit.

1.Present an incorrect version of your legal action.(Skit of 2 min)
2.Present a correct version of your legal action.(Skit of 2 min)
3.Present a brief synopsis of your legal action(chart paper)
4.Present an overview of the textbook case or another you have researched if necessary.(Chart Paper)

Everyone must speak.

You will present tomorrow. Please see the marking scheme below.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Grade 11 Law work

period B: CLU 3M-Students will read chapter 3 up until pg 94 in their text book.
Wednesday:Complete pg 76 1-5 and pg 78 1-5
Thursday: Complete pg 83 1-5 and pg 88 1-5
Friday: Complete pg 90 1-5 and 92 1-5

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CLN 4U test topics

History of law
Aboriginal Law
Lobby groups
Royal commissions
Affirmative defenses
Mind map presentations: Thurgood Marshall; Gloria Steinham; Ghandi; Trudeau; Tank man; Terri Jean Bedford; Lilly Ledbetter; Henry Mortgenthaler; Harvey Milk
BWS article
How to change law
R v Lavalee
Drummund Wren
Fred Christie v. York Corp
Legal Scholarship
Plessy v. Ferguson
Viola Desmond
Jim Crow
Primary/Secondary Sources of LAW

Friday, September 18, 2015


Your Name
Your Street Address
City, Province
Postal Code


Name of MP (if MP/MPP) or
The Honourable Name of MP (if Minister)
Address of Constituency Office]

Dear [name of MP]:
I am a student at Monarch Park Collegiate with an interest in the law. In my law class we have been studying current bills.  As a citizen living in your riding, I am writing to express my concern about a bill before the House of Commons, Bill_______________. I feel that_______________________. I feel this way because _________________________.I would appreciate it if you could____________________. I feel it is important because____________________________________________.(add 2 lines here)
Thank you for your time and consideration. It is important for our MP's to hear the voice of Canadian youth and I plan to vote soon as an informed member of this society.

[Your Name and Signature]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

LAW WORK Computer Lab

Cln3m: Computer lab 317 on Friday!!!
How a bill becomes a law
Review the format of Canadian parliament in this video:
Watch the video on this website:

LAW-sign up for the workshop!

Friday, June 5, 2015

LAW 2015 Exam

Your exam is on June 17 at 9am.

The breakdown is as follows:

1.Multiple Choice

2.True and False

3.Short Answers

4.Respond to a news article

Topics include:

Employment Law
Unions(and all that goes with them)
Environmental Law
Criminal Law
The Charter
Heritage of Law

We will add more on Monday when we review

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Your group will be responsible for researching one key aspect of the recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission. You look for:

key points, expert opinions, and interesting points.

Write your point form notes down into your portion of the placemat.
We will then meet with experts from the other groups who will share their research with you.
 There should be 10 points per section of the placemat.

Group1: Canada and the rights of Aboriginals today

Group 2: The Truth and Reconciliation Overview

Group 3:Looking forward

Group 4: Ripple Effects of Abuse
Group 5:criticisms:


Sunday, May 31, 2015

crime against humanity-american pastor

Civics-Children and Human Rights

Global Issue Research Groups

Group 1 Yazidi Girls -minority girls raped in Iraq and Syria by ISIS

Group 2 Boko Haram-school girls captured

Group 3 Central African Republic-child soldiers

Group 4 Moroccan Child  Maids

Group 5 Dancing Boys in Afghanistan

Group 6 Children with Aids in Subsaharan africa

Group 7
Another current crisis that interests you....

The Task: You are to research your topic and prepare a creative represenation of the global issue to your classmates. Note which UN rights are being violated. How the situation is being handled by humanitarian aid workers; how children are being affected; note the story of one particular child.

You are to bring awareness and understanding of your topic to the MPC population.

You might choose from one of the following:
1 minute video


After this we will write to our MP about our concerns related to one of the global issues. I will teach you how to write a letter to an MP.

crc article

Rights of Child pdf

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Civics- Omar Khadr. 

Khadr’s first interview since leaving Guantanamo, he discusses his freedom in Canada, and the grenade that killed U.S. Sgt. First Class Christopher Speer in Afghanistan.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

law-fired without cause

1.What does it mean to be "precariously employed"?
2.Name one example from the jobs listed that shows the ESA is out of date.
3.How does "industry pressure" affect exemptions in the ESA? Hypothesize.
4.Explain the irony in the last part of the article.

LAW-temp workers

Temporary Workers Questions:

1.What exactly is a temporary worker?
2.Why might employers hire a temp worker over a contract worker?
3.Which industries have seen growth in temp workers?
4.How might temp agencies be scamming temp workers?
5.Out of all the listed proposed solutions, which one do you think is most effective and why?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Gen Culminating Topics

Possible Topics: Culminating Gen

1.Boko Haram in Nigeria-Chloe
2.The crisis in Darfur-Labib
3.The atrocities of Syria-Kyliegh
4.Human rights abuses in North Korea-Jonah
5.Child Soldier-Omar Khadr-Tania
6.Crises in Democratic Republic of Congo(Hutus and Tutsis)
7. Human rights abuses in Myanmar-charlene
8. Afghanistan and the abuses of AlQueda-Sahhara
9. Discrimination towards homosexuals in Jamaica -Chesdean
10. Discrimination towards homosexuals in the Middle East(Turkey?)Atlas
11.Discrimination towards Mexicans in the American South-
12.Human rights abuses in Zimbabwe-daniel
13.Discrimination against Christians in Mali-Annabelle
14.Human rights abuses in Ethiopia-
15.Human rights abuses in Somalia-Dalina
16.The crimes of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda-Jared
17.Al Queda influence  in Pakistan-hailey
18.The crimes of FARC in Columbia-Justin
19.The crimes of the drug cartels vs the people of Mexico-Juwariah
20.Human Rights abuses in Iran-Jordan
21.Abuses by Multi-nationals in Guatemala
22.Central African Republic-murdering of Christians-
23.Russian stance on Ukraine-Brandon
25.Genocide vs the Yazidis_becka
26.Aboriginal Women in Canada-Hannah
27.The plight of the Palestinians in Gaza-Madeleine
28. Bophal – erin
29.Tanzania and albinism-Nicole

30.Kenya-AlShabaab and Christians-Samira
31.Acid attacks in SOuth ASia-Maheen

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Writing an Editorial
It’s 1975 and you are a Cambodian journalist in Cambodia.  The Khmer Rouge has taken power and has already begun implementing their reconstruction of Cambodia, now Kampuchea.
Taking the position as either a Khmer Rouge supporter or opposition, you are to write a newspaper editorial about how the country has changed since the Khmer Rouge has taken power.  As a supporter you may write about why things have improved.  If you are the opposition you may write about why things have gotten worse.
In your opinionated editorial you will cover the following criteria:
-          Who are you?
-          Where are you?
-          What is happening?
-          Why is this happening?
-          When is this happening?
-          How did this come about?
-          Do you agree/disagree with what is happening?
-          What do you hope will happen? Why?

Your editorial should be one page, typed and is due no later than May 14.  Use information from our lectures to help form your opinion and answer the necessary details for your editorial.

************You can also do this from the perspective of a journalist during the Holocaust if that is easier for you:)


Content:  /20
Spelling/Grammar   /2

Clarity of opinion  /3

Monday, April 13, 2015

Gen-April 13 -read

Gen-April14 work in computer lab room 218

Work for April 14                      Holocaust Research Online
Use the site to answer the following questions. Check the camps section and the paintings.
1.When was the Holocaust?
2.What was the “roll call”?
3.What is the third reich?
4.What did the Leichenkammando do?
5.Name the largest death camp(all parts of it.)
6.Explain what happened at the Stairs of Death.
7.Explain the title of the picture called   “Little Ironies.”
8.Name one experiment done by Joseph Mengeles.
9.What does the “Judas Opening” say about the mentality of the Nazis?
10.Descibe three things that would happen to you upon arrival at a camp.

Read the articles on the blog: a.Greece wants Nazi war reparations and a b.Black Woman with Nazi Ancestry. Choose one article and write an 8-10 sentence summary to be handed in

Sunday, April 12, 2015

civics videos while Mrs Ferry is away

democracy  and

Canadian government

 levels of gov't

 how a bill becomes a law

political parties

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Geno-work for april 1

Kids read their Ukrainian Genocide booklet. Do pp17-19 to be handed in tomorrow. Read 20-23 and do pg 24 to be handed in tomorrow.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Civics-ypi groups

YPI Groups Civics
Hilary Justin Jonathan-Parkdale Project REad 
Anushree Cynthia Jennifer-Alli's Journey
Maryam Novera Tamara-Sketch
Anjeila Zoe Arenee Iram-Scarborough Women's Center
Simona Kianne Stella-Heroes
Saskia Sahra Isabella-Meals On Wheels
Michelle Michelle EL-Toronto Association for the Deaf

Max kiki Aanika Theresa 
If there is a problem please email me!

Civics ypi charities

Look at the requirements below

USe this site to see if your charity has a charitable number.

Here are some cool ideas.......

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Civics Culminating Activity

Civics-Bill C-51 Articles

Civics! Test on Wednesday when we get back.See topics

Test topics
3 part test---

The test will be multiple choice, short answer and one article with questions that you have not read.


shadow cabinet
how a bill becomes a law
who does what?levels of gov't
budget terms(expenditure, revenues, surplus, etc)
shadow economy
judicial system(make up of the courts homework)
voting rules
voting terms(electoral officer, riding, ballot etc)
rule of law

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

LAW-march 11

1.Read the rest of my ppt note from yesterday.
Have Class read R v Williams. Some of the students will tell you the answers. Write them down.
Play this game for a chance to see what it is like to be on a jury.

When finished-I want you to read this article and be ready to discuss it tomorrow in class.

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 10 Law

Today in class you must watch three videos about provincial courts. Please follow this link:

After you are finished please use this interactive court game to look at how a court room is situated and where personnel sit and what they do.


MArch 10 Gen

Genocide March 10
1.Quiz back
2.Finish video about Georgetown Boys. Answer questions with a partner in notebooks.
3.Look at the comparisons and contrasts between Canada's and America's reaction to the genocide.
4.Make a VEnn diagram analysing this contrast
5.Screamers Documentary ?

Answer questions on the sheet and take up on Wed.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

CLN 4U Test

Your test is Monday
Here are the topics
(review Chapter 1 for some of them and your own notes for some of them)
-law reform
collective action
-people who changed the law
-Brown vs Board of Ed
-R v Brown
-Drummond Wren
-Christie vs York Corp
-Viola Davis
-magna carta
-rule of law
-Manitoba language Rights
-police carding
-racial profiling
-assisted suicide

The test will be multiple choice, short answer and one reading response.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

ctv res schools genocide

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Genocide work for Thurs Feb 12

Please complete the work by the end of the period if possible. Delete the answer places and just type in your answers if you are not in class to print.

You can email me the answers to:

Your comics are due on Bitstrips by Tuesday's class. Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 6, 2015

LAW-GRADE 12 Hot Topic Assignment

Hot Topics in Law
Seminar Assignment
Every student in CLN 4U will complete one session of Hot Topics.

You will teach the class about your topic for 5 minutes. You will then lead discussion for 15-20 minutes at the beginning of class every Friday. You and a partner will introduce a hot topic to the law class and facilitate discussion about your topic for a maximum of 30 minutes.

You must:
In advance

-choose a topic from the list or get one approved by me and added to the list
-find at least one reading to post to my blog by Tuesday  the week you are presenting for all the class to read
-have outside research about your hot topic on hand to reference throughout the discussion

On the day of the presentation

-introduce self and topic. Take attendance.
-be the expert and lead the discussion about your topic
-have 5 discussion provoking questions ready for the class to be able to move the discussion along if no one is participating
-questions should not be memory recall questions, but open-ended questions
-Thank the group for participating
You will not need technology for this presentation.


-Mentally Ill and the law—Is society protected? Are the mentally ill protected?()
-Edward Snowden- how much online privacy do we have?()
-Anonymous/Wikileaks etc-has is hacking a national security threat?()
-Terrorism in Canada-is there really a threat? Is ISIS  in Canada?()
- Solitary Confinement-do we need it? Look at Ashley Smith()
-Police Punishment-is enough done when police do their job wrong?()
-Mandatory Minimum Sentences
-Cyber-bullying-Can we stop it? Is it harmless?()
- Do we need life sentences? (Fri May 15)

Those who do not attend receive a zero in participation marks. Those who do not present receive a zero and their partner presents alone.
Audience: 4 marks per session for thoughtful contribution to discussion.
Presenters will be marked according to the rubric given./20

Genocide Friday Feb 6

Just to remind you: The video A Class Divided question sheet is due Monday.
Monday we are working on our comic in the library.
Tuesday we have course selection talk from guidance.
Your comic is due(printed) the day we return from Family day weekend.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Genocide Day 4(Wednesday)

Hello: Today is the last day in the computer lab for a while. Please read the following document and answer the questions at the end(include the chart) for a mark out of 20. (2 of the questions you must do with others.)

Print it off and hand it to me to mark by end of the day on Wed.

Then watch the TED TALK about bullying.

Genocide Day 3

Please make sure you have submitted your work to turnitin.
I am marking it out of level 4.
Today please choose one song that you think is appropriate to young people that will teach them in an engaging way about any of:
(I chose War by Bob Marley)

Link the song and 4 sentence rationale to the comment section of this post.
When finished-see the work for tomorrow on the next blog post.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Your in class exam is on Monday Jan 19.(part 1) and Tues. Jan 20(part 2)
Here is the breakdown:
A. Multiple Choice(20 marks)
B.Case Summaries(10 marks)
C.Labelling(10 marks)
D.Short Answer(10 marks)

This will be on Tues.

E.Matching (30 marks)
F.Case Study (12 marks )