Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Grade 12 cases

R v Oakes-Kyra
R V Keegstra-Atlas
M v H-Jackson
R v Moses-Thomas
Lavigne v OPSEU-Natalie
R v Parks-Marie
Trial of Socrates-Sam
R v Lavalee-Devan
Drummond Wren-Jake
Brown v Board of Ed-Sultan
R v Brown-Cristal
Persons Case-Atlas
Roncarelli v Duplessis-Carter
R v Tessling-Carter
Christie v York-Natalie
R v Williams-Kyra
R v Ruzic-Dylan
R v Latimer-Sam
R v Proulx-Justin
Sask. v Prince Albert Elks Club-Jake

4 bullet points per case--overview the case/what was the verdict/interesting tidbits/did it change the law?

cosby jury deliberates

Friday, June 9, 2017

!B English Exam

Your exam is June 19 in the afternoon.
The breakdown is as follows:

Part A:Sight Passage related to Funny Boy.
Part B: Paragraph Writing on TKAM
Part C: Essay Writing on Othello 

Grade 11 Law Exam

Your exam is on June 16 in class.

If you have an IEP you can write the first part that day at lunch in room 130.


Part A: Multiple Choice

Part B: Fill in the Blanks

The exam covers everything from chapter 1-11.

The key terms are printed at the beginning of your chapters in the text. Review these terms! Memorize them. Good luck.

Grade 12 LAW Exam June 2017

Breakdown: The exam is on June 21. It is 2 hours.

Part A: Multiple Choice
Part B: Fill in the Blank
Part C: Case Study
Part D: Series of Paragraphs

Key Topics:

Legal Heritage
Mind Maps
Royal Commissions
Lobby Groups
Charter-Cases and Terms
Canadian Legal History (Constitutional Law)
Aboriginals and the Law
Race and the Law
Racial Profiling and cases
Courtroom Personnel
Juries and all terms
Civil law-all terms and cases
Paisley Snail
Employment Law and terms

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Grade 12 Law upcoming events

Friday June 2- test on employment law
Weekend June 3/4 reading with questions on Pay Equity
June 5-Mrs Ferry in a conference. You will do a case study with questions and read about recenlabour action.
June 6-review all employment law terms/concepts
June 7-Mock Collective Bargaining Scenario in class
June 8-Mrs Ferry in conference. In class reading package with questions.
June 9-Second part of the Employment law test.
June 10/11 weekend