Friday, September 29, 2017

Grade 11 Law letter assignment

The Secret Trial 5 Letter to MP

You are to write a three paragraph letter to the Minister of Public Safety, MP Ralph Goodale.

You need to follow proper letter format that I taught you earlier in the semester. Include his(research it) and your address and the correct date. You may also use the school address.
The letter must be typed and printed.
We will send the letters to the MP. I will provide you with envelopes if you do not have one.

First, introduce yourself and why you are writing the letter. Then you will reflect on the film that you watched in class. You will write the MP about your own opinions about the film, the trial, and the deportation of Mohammed Harkat. The letter should be persuasive in nature.

Don't forget to write an appropriate salutation and closing and sign the letter.

I will only marked signed copies.

Due: Wednesday, October 4 at the beginning of class.

You may use outside research, including the following sites:

Rubric: /100

Law work from Oct 3-5

Finish reading and making notes on CHAPTER 2
Do pg 56 1-5
Read up to pg 63

Read up to 65
Do pg 66-67 1-4

do #10 pg 69 with a partner but both of you must write your own answers down

turn it in grade 10 CHC2D

16439153 Class code
ferry is the password

History Work

Grade 10 History Work for October 3-5.

Tues. Oct 3

The unit this week is on the Roaring Twenties.

1.Watch the video The Good Bright Days and fill in the worksheet that the teacher will give you.

Here is the video:

2. Finish the ppt note on the Winnipeg General Strike.
Read the info on the Winnipeg General Strike in the text. Do the first 4 questions attached to that section. Complete for homework.

Wed Oct 4

Take up Winnipeg General Strike Questions. Put answers on board.
Women and the vote in the 1920's.

Read page 36-41 in Canadian Sources Investigated.It is a textbook at the front of the room.

Do 1-3 pg 37

Thurs. Oct 5

Watch the following short video: 
1. Charlie Wenjak and residential Schools:

Do #3 pg 41  You can do the rough work today.

This should be a one page diary entry due on turn it in by OCT 6.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

CHC 2D test review

Review: World War 1 Test
Areas to Study:
 1. Causes of WWI a. nationalism, imperialism, militarism, alliance system, assassination c. Triple Entente & Triple Alliance d. Canada's reaction to war
2. Trench Warfare a. life in the trenches (shell shock, trench foot, lice, weather, bodies, etc.) b. technology (machine guns, chlorine gas, tanks, etc.)
 3. War in the Air a. beginning vs. end of the war b. dogfights, flying coffins, ace, Billy Bishop, Red Baron, Roy Brown, etc.
4. War at Sea a. supply ships, u-boats, convoys, blockades, rationing b. Lusitania
5. Home Front a. propaganda posters (who makes them and why?) b. financing the war (victory bonds, income tax) c. women's roles d. enemy aliens e. conscription crisis (why controversial?)
6. Key Battles a. 2 nd battle of Ypres, Battle of the Somme, Battle of Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele

7. End of the War a. armistice, November 11 b. Treaty of Versailles (what is it? why is it controversial?)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Work for law on Tues Sept 19

I am in the building and will try to pop by.

These are the two videos you were meant to watch yesterday.

1.Watch this video

2. how a bill becomes a law

Today's work

Review the format of Canadian parliament in this video:

Watch the video on this website:


Text book:

Read 29-31

Do 1-5 pg 31. Email me the answers.

Sept 18 Grade 11 law

Now that you have  expressed your opinions about bike lanes we can move on to laws.

We are now learning how a bill becomes a law in the federal government.

1.Watch this video

2. how a bill becomes a law

Over this time I will respond to your email and you can fix it and send it to the city councilor  with an appropriate subject line.

Tomorrow we will do a day in this lab as we learn how a bill becomes law. We will analyse bills in the House of Commons.

CLU email to city hall

Your Name
Your Street Address
City, Province
Postal Code


Name of city councillor
Address of Constituency Office

Dear [name of city councillor]:

I am a student at Monarch Park Collegiate with an interest in the law. In my law class we have been studying local issues.  As a citizen living in your ward, I am writing to express my concern about an issue in Toronto-bike lanes.   I feel that_______________________.I feel this way because_________________________.  I would appreciate it if you could____________________. I feel it is important because____________________________________________.(2 more lines here)

Thank you for your time and consideration. It is important for city hall to hear the voice of Canadian youth and I plan to vote soon as an informed member of this society.


[Your Name and Signature]

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

nafta video