Thursday, February 26, 2015

CLN 4U Test

Your test is Monday
Here are the topics
(review Chapter 1 for some of them and your own notes for some of them)
-law reform
collective action
-people who changed the law
-Brown vs Board of Ed
-R v Brown
-Drummond Wren
-Christie vs York Corp
-Viola Davis
-magna carta
-rule of law
-Manitoba language Rights
-police carding
-racial profiling
-assisted suicide

The test will be multiple choice, short answer and one reading response.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

ctv res schools genocide

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Genocide work for Thurs Feb 12

Please complete the work by the end of the period if possible. Delete the answer places and just type in your answers if you are not in class to print.

You can email me the answers to:

Your comics are due on Bitstrips by Tuesday's class. Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 6, 2015

LAW-GRADE 12 Hot Topic Assignment

Hot Topics in Law
Seminar Assignment
Every student in CLN 4U will complete one session of Hot Topics.

You will teach the class about your topic for 5 minutes. You will then lead discussion for 15-20 minutes at the beginning of class every Friday. You and a partner will introduce a hot topic to the law class and facilitate discussion about your topic for a maximum of 30 minutes.

You must:
In advance

-choose a topic from the list or get one approved by me and added to the list
-find at least one reading to post to my blog by Tuesday  the week you are presenting for all the class to read
-have outside research about your hot topic on hand to reference throughout the discussion

On the day of the presentation

-introduce self and topic. Take attendance.
-be the expert and lead the discussion about your topic
-have 5 discussion provoking questions ready for the class to be able to move the discussion along if no one is participating
-questions should not be memory recall questions, but open-ended questions
-Thank the group for participating
You will not need technology for this presentation.


-Mentally Ill and the law—Is society protected? Are the mentally ill protected?()
-Edward Snowden- how much online privacy do we have?()
-Anonymous/Wikileaks etc-has is hacking a national security threat?()
-Terrorism in Canada-is there really a threat? Is ISIS  in Canada?()
- Solitary Confinement-do we need it? Look at Ashley Smith()
-Police Punishment-is enough done when police do their job wrong?()
-Mandatory Minimum Sentences
-Cyber-bullying-Can we stop it? Is it harmless?()
- Do we need life sentences? (Fri May 15)

Those who do not attend receive a zero in participation marks. Those who do not present receive a zero and their partner presents alone.
Audience: 4 marks per session for thoughtful contribution to discussion.
Presenters will be marked according to the rubric given./20

Genocide Friday Feb 6

Just to remind you: The video A Class Divided question sheet is due Monday.
Monday we are working on our comic in the library.
Tuesday we have course selection talk from guidance.
Your comic is due(printed) the day we return from Family day weekend.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Genocide Day 4(Wednesday)

Hello: Today is the last day in the computer lab for a while. Please read the following document and answer the questions at the end(include the chart) for a mark out of 20. (2 of the questions you must do with others.)

Print it off and hand it to me to mark by end of the day on Wed.

Then watch the TED TALK about bullying.

Genocide Day 3

Please make sure you have submitted your work to turnitin.
I am marking it out of level 4.
Today please choose one song that you think is appropriate to young people that will teach them in an engaging way about any of:
(I chose War by Bob Marley)

Link the song and 4 sentence rationale to the comment section of this post.
When finished-see the work for tomorrow on the next blog post.