Monday, April 13, 2015

Gen-April 13 -read

Gen-April14 work in computer lab room 218

Work for April 14                      Holocaust Research Online
Use the site to answer the following questions. Check the camps section and the paintings.
1.When was the Holocaust?
2.What was the “roll call”?
3.What is the third reich?
4.What did the Leichenkammando do?
5.Name the largest death camp(all parts of it.)
6.Explain what happened at the Stairs of Death.
7.Explain the title of the picture called   “Little Ironies.”
8.Name one experiment done by Joseph Mengeles.
9.What does the “Judas Opening” say about the mentality of the Nazis?
10.Descibe three things that would happen to you upon arrival at a camp.

Read the articles on the blog: a.Greece wants Nazi war reparations and a b.Black Woman with Nazi Ancestry. Choose one article and write an 8-10 sentence summary to be handed in

Sunday, April 12, 2015

civics videos while Mrs Ferry is away

democracy  and

Canadian government

 levels of gov't

 how a bill becomes a law

political parties