Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GEN-Week of Jan 6

Welcome back to Genocide class. I hope you were paying attention to the news over your break. There were many global issues that emerged in relation to our class. From ongoing fighting in the CAR to tragedy in Russia to derogatory gestures in the soccer world. The world did not see peace this holiday season at all.

You have leaned about many genocides from me and our wonderful guest speakers.  It is now time for you to teach the class about a humanitarian crisis.
Your group will be tasked with the following:

1.Read your articles together. Now search for a short video and one more article online to help you better understand the crisis.

2.Make notes on the following aspects of your crisis.
-Who is affected/involved
-Where is this taking place
-Why is this happening
-What is exactly going on
-when did this start and when was the situation most critical
(All members must have this handed into me for marks by Wednesday)

3.Find your country that is involved on a map

4.Show a picture of the key person(s)

5.Write a creative imagined paragraph from the point of view of a child that might be affected. Please use proper spelling and grammar.

6.Write one paragraph showing where on the stages of genocide you believe your crisis is and why.

7. Put all of this on a power point presentation and be prepared to present by Thursday. The powerpoint must be emailed to all group members.

Everyone must speak in the presentation.

Gen-russia bombs-sochi


GEN-Russian Bombing

GEN-South SUdan

GEN-South Sudan

GEN-CAR genocide

GEN-CAR pics

Gen-Children in the CAR

Gen-Sports and the Quenelle

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Genocide Culm Topics

These are some of the Culminating Activity Topics from which you may choose. You may not choose the same as someone else.
You must research this topic in order to do the assignment.
Possible Topics:

1.The Rape of Nanking
2.The crisis in Darfur
3.The atrocities of Syria
4.Human rights abuses in North Korea
5.Child Soldier-Omar Khadr
6.Crises in Democratic Republic of Congo(Hutus and Tutsis)
7. Human rights abuses in Myanmar
8. Afghanistan and the abuses of AlQueda
9. Discrimination towards homosexuals in Jamaica
10. Discrimination towards homosexuals in the Middle East(Turkey?)
11.Discrimination towards Mexicans in the American South
12.Human rights abuses in Zimbabwe
13.Discrimination against Christians in Mali
14.Human rights abuses in Ethiopia
15.Human rights abuses in Somalia
16.The crimes of the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda
17.Al Queda influence  in Pakistan
18.The crimes of FARC in Columbia
19.The crimes of the drug cartels vs the people of Mexico
20.Human Rights abuses in Iran
21.Abuses by Multi-nationals in Guatemala
Others approved by teacher

Some good websites to which you must refer:

IB-turn it in

Please go to turnitin.com
Look at ibCHC(that is your class)
Please register.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

CHC debate

Speaker introduces resolution and rules-Judges and timekeeper introduced
Intro Affirm-Julia(Hannah)
Intro Neg-Alexa(Ambri)
Topic 1 affirm-Zafina(Hatem)
Topic 1 neg- Mohit(bushra)
Topic 2 affirm-Rian(jennifer)
Topic 2 neg-Maddie(Aunika)
Topic 3affirm-Rabia
Topic 3 neg-Sarah
Break for 2 min
Rebuttal affirm-Arughan(Christine)
Rebuttal neg-Michelle(Maxine)
Closing remarks affirm-Kathleen(Sahara)
Closing remarks neg –Camille(Yimaj)

judges  discuss in chambers   

Monday, November 25, 2013

Gen-oral book review examples



GEN-book review thoughts

Book Review:
Your review should be oral. You must be very rehearsed and you can use notes. Please use them as a guide that you glance at rarely. I do not want you to read off your paper.

Here are some things that you might consider aside from the handout I already gave you on structuring your book review.

a.Is there one anecdote that really stands out to you? Why?Briefly re-iterate it to the class.
b.Was the story believable? Why or why not?
c.Did the story tell you some aspect of the Holocaust that you had previously not known of, or understood?What did you learn from the book?
d.Which key aspects of the Holocaust did the novel focus on?
e.If you cold change one thing about the book, what would it be?
f.Do you think other students in this course should read this book?Why or why not?
g.In this class we have been trying to see hope and some opportunity for light and humanity within the Holocaust. Did your book attempt to show this? What lines did you like the best when it did?
h.Were you satisfied with the ending?Why or why not?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LAW-Nov 20

Today in class I will go through key concepts of judging using a short ppt.

Then I would like you to access these short videos about provincial court-as we are going to a provincial or Superior Court next week.
There are 3 different videos(one for each court) that I would like you to watch.

Afterwards in class we will learn about various court personnel and you will complete homework for tomorrow on this.

GEN-test on the Holocaust

The test will be short answer /20 and multiple choice out of /10 and a reading with questions(from an article you have not read) /10.

40 marks total

I will ask you questions related to everything we have studied in the Holocaust.

Think about the following topics:
Nazi party/eugenics
women and young people in Nazi Germany
Schindlers List/Warsaw Ghetto
different camps/Canada and Anti Semitism
Nuremberg Laws/Rallies
Deniers/Christie Pitts
Yad Vashem
Nazi gold
Rise of Hitler
the online activity related to Auschwitz

After the test you are allowed to read your Holocaust book.

Holocaust Survivor Comes to MPC

Thursday, November 7, 2013

CHC-Nov 7 and 8

Nov 7-Lecture on Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnact

Nov 8 Test
Everything from the '20's and '30's

GEN-assignment for Nov 7

1.You must read the article that you chose.
2.Explain 10 key points clearly and slowly to the class
3.Ask one question of the class to start discussion of your article.

Homework! Finish the Holocaust Scavenger Hunt on the back of your calendar.

Marks for Law Skit


5 marks-did you understand the content
5 marks did you use legal terminology
5 marks did you engage the audience
5 did you appear rehearsed and polished

Friday, October 25, 2013

Genocide homework for Monday Tuesday

Watch  Schindlers List in class.
Do the questions below.
SCHINDLER’S LIST is one of the most powerful movies of all time. It is a 1993 movie based on the novel “Schindler’s List” by Thomas Keneally. It tells the compelling true story of the German businessman Oskar Schindler who comes to Nazi-occupied Poland looking for economic prosperity and leaves as a savior of more than 1,100 Jews. A charming and sly entrepreneur, Schindler bribes and befriends the Nazi authorities to gain control of a factory in Krakow by aryanization, which he staffs with Jewish slave - laborers, and soon he is making a fortune. But among the Jews who work for him is Itzhak Stern, the plant manager, who in his benevolence sees to it that Schindler's workforce includes the most vulnerable and cherished members of Krakow's Jewish community.

Main Characters:
·         Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson): German businessman who runs a Jewish-slavelabor factory
·         Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley): Jewish Plant Manager
·         Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes): Nazi leader who managed the Jewish labor camp

·         What happens to the one armed machinist? What does this show about the SS soldiers?
·         Why do you think Schindler demands for Itzhak Stern to get off the train?
·         How is Stern an asset to Schindler?
·         Describe the demeanor of Amon Goeth. What does he do to the Jewish engineer? Why?
·         What is Amon Goeth saying about the Jews to other German soldiers?
·         Describe the process of liquidation of Krakow (Ghetto).
·         Why do you think Goeth executes at random?
·         Schindler observes a wandering Jewish girl in a red coat. What is the significance of this “girl in red?” What does she represent or symbolize?
·         This is one of the four occasions in the film when color is used. Why is color used? What statement does this make?
“I didn’t do any camera tricks, except this one moment, where I wanted there to be color on the red winter coat of the little girl,” Spielberg said in the documentary “Imaginary Witness. “That was how Thomas Keneally describes her, because Schindler made an observation when he was sitting on his horse watching the liquidation of the ghetto. He noticed that no one was selecting the most obvious color in a very monochromatic scheme.
“And my interpretation of that was that America and Russia and England all knew about the Holocaust when it was happening, and yet we did nothing about it. We didn’t assign any of our forces to stopping the march toward death, the inexorable march toward death. It was a large bloodstain, primary red color on everyone’s radar, but no one did anything about it. And that’s why I wanted to bring the color red in.”

Day 2
·         What are happening to the bodies? Why are they doing this?
·         What are Schindler and Stern creating? Why?
·         Why do you think the women get sent to Auschwitz? What happens to them there?
·         How does Schindler get the women to come to his factory? How does he persuade the officers to accept the children to come to his factory?
·         Describe Schindler’s speech about the end of the war. What is happening to all the Jews?
·         What happens to Goeth?

Overall Discussion Question:
·         It is obvious that Schindler risked his life to save the Jews. Did he do it out of empathy, impulse, self-interest, influence? What things did Oskar see that helped him understand the horror of the situation? Give specific examples of his benevolence. Was Oskar dedicated from the beginning, pushed by Stern, or only when he received the ring was he sure he had done the right thing? Did Oskar ever really realize how much he had done?

CHC homework for next week

Google nfb sunshine and eclipse. Watch film. Answer questions on your sheet.
Tues--write letter to Bennet in class. Wed-do simulation

LAw homework for next week

A: Law
Students read textbook on criminal law pp115-118 do 1-5 on 118.Do not hand in


A:LAw read till 121 do questions 1-5 pg 121 .hand in tomorrow

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Genocide test Tues

What is on the test?

Armenian Genocide
Res Schools
Stages of Genocide-Staunton
Bullying Circle -Colorosso
Terms of Discrimination

It will take one hour
Matching, Multiple Choice, Writing T/F

chc homework due tues

Read pg 160-167

LAW homework due Tues

Wed night: read pg 75-78 do pg 78 #1-5
Thurs: read pg 79-83 do 1-5 pg 83


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Create your turnitin.com account

Students: submitting Assignments to TURNITIN 1. Go to www.turnitin.com and create an account. 2. Create your user profile. Use: Class ID: _____________________________________________ Enrollment Password: _____________________________ 3. From your home page, click on the name of your class to open your portfolio. 4. Find the assignment and click on the submit button. 5. Enter the title of your assignment. 6. Browse and locate your paper. All submissions must be in the following format: MS Word, Word Perfect, RFT, PDF, Postscript, HTML, or plain text. 7. If your paper is in another format, you can submit it by cut and paste. 8. Look over your paper and make sure it’s correct. Click the submit button. Students: submitting Assignments to TURNITIN 1. Go to www.turnitin.com and create an account. 2. Create your user profile. Use: Class ID: _____________________________________________ Enrollment Password: _____________________________ 3. From your home page, click on the name of your class to open your portfolio. 4. Find the assignment and click on the submit button. 5. Enter the title of your assignment. 6. Browse and locate your paper. All submissions must be in the following format: MS Word, Word Perfect, RFT, PDF, Postscript, HTML, or plain text. 7. If your paper is in another format, you can submit it by cut and paste. 8. Look over your paper and make sure it’s correct. Click the submit button.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

HSP Exam Format

HSP Exam 2013
Part A:Multiple Choice
Part B:T/F
Part C:Short answer
Part D:Fill in the blanks
Part E:Article response

LAW-Exam format 2013

Day 1 June 13
 Part A: Multiple Choice
Part B: Fill in the blanks
Part C: Case Analysis
Day 2 June 14
5 paragraph Persuasive Essay

LAW-Exam Review Cases Thank you Gisselle!!!

Gisselle has kindly put together a list of all the cases we have covered in the class this year. These and all other terms and concepts covered will be on the exam.


Monday, June 3, 2013

LAW Mock trial help


Genocide Exam Review:  Your exam is on_____________________.
Part A: Multiple Choice (focus on Rwanda here)
Part B: Fill in the blanks (your colleagues presentations will be mentioned here)
Part C: Application diagram
Part D: Article Reading and Response
You will be forming study groups that will become expert groups on one genocide studied in class.
You must make mind-maps, flow charts or any other kind of graphic organizer that I can photocopy or post online to be used as study guides for the class.
Headings must include:
Genocide/Country or area  affected/Year/Number of Deaths/Perpetrators/Leader/other key figues/Particular Method of killing/synopsis/peculiarities/international response
This will be done in class and can be emailed to me so that I can post on my blog.