Wednesday, November 26, 2014

court room rules

Courtrooms and Courthouse Do's and Don'ts

When visiting a courtroom, obey the courtroom staff at all times.  They are responsible for protocol and order in the courtroom.

Teachers/Group Supervisor(s) are expected to accompany their students at all times.

Please follow these rules to make your visit to the courthouse enjoyable and informative:


Ø  Please arrive on time and try to make your way to the courtroom for the scheduled start time (10:00 AM) to avoid any delays.

Ø  Be courteous, attentive and quiet, especially when entering or leaving a court in session.

Ø  Be seated as soon as possible.  All visitors to the courtroom must remain seated during court proceedings unless asked to rise by the Courtroom Clerk, Judge or panel of Judges.

Ø  Please obey all signs restricting access to various areas of the courthouse.

Ø  Remove all hats, baseball caps, headphones and or head wear (exception: religious head wear).


Ø  Do not make loud noises (no babies from Parenting Class), chew gum, sleep or otherwise disrupt the court.

Ø  Cameras and recording devices are prohibited in courtrooms and the courthouse.

Ø  Do not take pictures in the courtrooms or around the courthouse.

Ø  Do not bring or consume food or drinks, including bottled water in the courtrooms.

Ø  Book bags, backpacks and parcels are to be placed on the floor by your feet.   Do not leave them unattended.

Ø  Please turn off all Pagers, Cell Phones, MP3 Players and all other Portable Electronic gears.

Ø  Do not bring Ice Skates, Scissors, Knife, Key chain (with pen knife) or anything with Sharp Edges to the courthouse.

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