Monday, May 8, 2017

Grade 10 Essay Writing-Analysis Points

Some questions to answer to build your analysis when writing this literary and others:

-Am I summarizing the novel or showing my thoughts about the novel?

-Why does the author write the way she did?

-Does a literary device or symbol get repeated or highlighted for a reason? What is the reason?

-Ask hypothetical questions such as: What if there had been a witness to Mayella and Tom's interaction? How might that have changed things? (This type of hypothetical question is good for the conclusion.)

--Contrast and Compare: Is one character more relevant than an other, for example. Is one mother figure more nurturing, is on teacher more detrimental to Scout's learning etc.

-How is the work better understood in the era in which it was written? Or current era? How does it relate to other works by the same author or similar works?

-Why is the plot organized the way it is? What could the reason be?

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